
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Things are a little crazy right now.  I weigh 115.  I ate about 250 calories yesterday.  I'm quite busy with things.  I'll try to read/comment later.  And maybe write a bit more and give you pictures.  Hope everyone is doing good.  Stay strong.



  1. How is your BF 23% at 115 pounds? Even if you're short like me I still feel like your BF% should be lower. Either way, that's still healthy, so you're doing well!

    I hope your mouth is feeling better! :)

  2. I hope you're feeling better!
    250 calories! Great job. I ate...more. XD. <3 <3 Yay! Pictures! I LOVE YOUR PICTURES! *___*

  3. I think you are doing quite well!
    I hope that your poor mouth is feeling better; darn tooth, anyhow.
    Have a wonderful day; you deserve it!
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3
