I went to the doctor. I was told I possibly have a sinus infection. Doctors never seem to go as far as to figure out for sure what it wrong. So there's a good chance it is something else. But being allergic to so much, there are only two medicines that I can take. So I guess we'll see if it fixes it... I weighed 126.25 lbs at the doctor's with my coat and shoes and clothes. So I guess I'll aim for 118 on Wednesday (when I should get a chance to weigh in again). Then I want to lose 2 lbs or more each week until J gets here. That would put me at 112 at the most if I can get to 118 on Wednesday. I just want to be 112 or less since I was 111 when he was here last. I plan on working out quite a bit and toning. I used my Jillian Micheals Total Body Kit thing some today. Just arm exercises but they were a good work out. But my arms are quite weak. Tomorrow I'll try to do some more exercising when I get home from work. I had soup for supper but I've eaten more than I planned. Greek yogurt, chocolate grahm crackers, light mixed berry apple sauce, toast, ect. I'll do better tomorrow. Raspberries (70) and Greek yogurt (150) for breakfast and then nothing until I get off work. When I get off work, I'll have an apple (95). When I get home I'll have asparagus (25). If I can, more soup for supper (170). But my mother may make me eat something else for supper instead. But that's my plan. Maybe a glass of milk thrown in there too. I'll start commenting on blogs tomorrow and probably just do a short post about how much I ate/exercise before bed.
I'll try to take pics of me on Wednesday and then again on like the 22nd and we can see if there is much of a difference. I haven't done progress pictures in forever because I've only managed to gain but I guess I should like restart and see when I can do in about 3 weeks.
I need to find more thinspo soon. Won't be hard. Tumblr is great for thinspo.
i love your restarting idea. i think i will do the same!!