
Saturday, October 8, 2011

So I weighed 116 today.  Probably thanks to dehydration.  And my life is pretty much a hott mess.  And by that I mean it is pretty much just a mess.  There really isn't too much that's hott about it.  K invited me to a party last night so I went when I got off work and I got drunk and ended up hooking up with a guy and we exchanged numbers.  New guy at work had invited me to a party and I gave him my number and told him to text me later and let me know where it was but he didn't text me so I went to the party K was at instead.  And since I hooked up with that guy, AA probably won't date me now.  And my work shoes smell like beer and so does my car.  Beer got spilled in my car and my work shoes happen to have been in my car right where the beer was spilled.  So they are in the washer for the second time.  And I sprayed my car down with air freshener crap so I'm hoping that fixes that.  I look like death and I feel like death.  Anyway, I have a lot going on right now too so I haven't had much of a chance to read/comment on blogs and I probably won't be able to much for a while.  Sorry.


  1. hope it gets better soon, sweetie!

  2. :( Just do the next thing. It's the only way.

  3. Jeez.. I sounds like you had a very eventful night. =) I hope you had fun even though everything smells like beer now. =p Start feeling better soon.

  4. KES, BABAY!? Where you IS??

    Hope you are doing well. Missing you...
